4 Products
kr. 55,00
The Texture Sweater is the perfect project for scrap yarn. It is designed with a contigious construction, which means that you first increase on the shoulders, next the sleeves are formed by increases. The first rows after the collar are worked with German Short Rows to shape the neck to a better fit – when you have turned the work the first stitch is slipped as if purled with the yarn in front of the work. The stitch is therefore not knitted. On the way back you knit/purl (depending on the right or wrong side) the chain together with the stitch to prevent holes in the work.
kr. 35,00
FLETVÆRK headband is knitted from one side to the other with a braid in the middle of the work. FLETVÆRK is knitted in the round in stockinette and is joined at the end with mattress stitches.
FLETVÆRK is designed in such a way that it’s always possible to knit a headband no matter what kind of yarn you have in your stash or the needle sizes it requires. In this pattern you will find instructions for the same headband knitted on 3 mm needles and up to 8 mm needles.
kr. 55,00
Tekstur Sweateren er et godt restegarnsprojekt. Brug dine enlige nøgler eller garnrester. I opskriften er angivet den præcise garnmængde inklusiv en garnreste-formel, så du selv kan beregne, hvor mange gram du skal bruge, hvis dit garn løber færre eller flere meter end det anbefalede!
OBS: Dette er en digital strikkeopskrift, der sendes som PDF-fil til din mail direkte efter køb.
kr. 35,00
FLETVÆRK er et pandebånd med en fin fletning over panden. Opskriften er lavet, så du kan strikke pandebånden på lige netop de pinde, du har lyst til og med det garn, der passer til. FLETVÆRK rangerer fra pind 3 mm og op til 8 mm, så du altid kan kaste et pandebånd på pindene med det garn, du har liggende derhjemme.